Good Adoptions Gone Wrong!

We had our second failed dog adoption. Everything looked good, everyone was happy, it should have worked out. Both parties thought it was a good fit. We in no way blame the adoptive family, the dog had issues with their existing dog. The two dogs did not get along during feeding time.

I feel that we failed the dog and the adoptive family. My excitement and joy in placing this dog with that family turned to sadness and guilt. Would we place another dog with this family, most definitely?  But we need to do more to ensure a good fit, it is our responsibility to the dog.

What more can we do? What more should we have done? After all, all our dogs are integrated with other breeds, both big and small and they ALL eat together and get along before adoption.  The big issue was aggression from the new dog towards the existing dog during feeding time. In hindsight, I think we should have had to visit with the family and the other dogs during the adjustment period, maybe even provide a trainer to do a behavioral and welfare follow-up. The first visit should have taken place in a neutral place like a park to let the dogs get to know each other. The next visit then could be where one or the other dog feels at home. Should we not adopt dogs into multi-dog families? That seems unfair.

The nature of “Rescue Dogs” is there is some issue (not always) with the dog, hence the reason for them being in the pound and us rescuing them. They are not going to be perfect dogs we work with them while they are in our care. When we feel they are ready we try to place them in a good home.

Please comment, I would like to discuss this…


  1. I know this is an older post, but have you looked into having your adopters do the Two Week Shutdown? When our adopters actually follow through, it’s been successful. It’s the ones who say they will, and then don’t, that have had issues.

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