PHOTO TUESDAY FOR 04/16/2019 #005

In part one we learned four ways to get your dog to look at the camera. In part two we learned 12 tips from a professional photographer. In part three, we learned some basics of basic pet photography.

In this Part Four, we will learn advanced photography tips. You can read the full article at Petfinder. The article goes in greater detail. It discusses lighting and specific tips for different species.


Lighting is key to good photographs. There are two basic types of lighting. Natural lighting and artificial lighting.

Natural lighting from the sun is preferable to artificial lighting. Problems with natural lighting is it’s inconsistency; clouds, shadows, and the angle of the sun can have ill effects on your photographs. There are ways to work around these issues.

Artificial lighting from bulbs come in different styles, on all the time or strobed, even a combination of the two.

Direct lighting and indirect lighting can be applied to both natural and artificial lighting. Whole books have been written on lighting.


Camera and camera equipment come with a wide variety options. Do not get caught up in having to have the best and putting off taking photographs until you get it. My suggestion is to use what you have and are familiar with. As your skills improve so can your equipment.

Tips For Different Animal Types

Go to the Petfinder article for detailed information. It explains the tips far better than I can summarize them.

This Weeks Photo’s

This is the last of a four part series. Check back next Tuesday to see how we have applied these tips to our photography. Please comment below!


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