One comment

  1. Read the above article and see how many myths you knew the correct answer?

    1. You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.
    I knew this was false, but it makes a good excuse for us humans when we don’t want to do something.

    2. A dogs mouth is cleaner than a humans mouth.
    I knew this was false, as long as they don’t lick my face I don’t care.

    3. My dog’s nose is dry so he must be sick.
    I used to believe this to a certain degree. Now I know better.

    4. A wagging tail means a happy dog.
    I used to believe this one also, until about a year ago. I started watching videos online about dogs and dog training and learned that the simple tail wag is not all that simple.

    5. Every year in a dog’s life is equal to seven human years.
    I remember hearing this since I was a young kid. Never paid it much concern either way, but now I know.

    6. Dogs are colour blind and can only see black and white.
    I never put much thought about this, except wondering how they knew how dogs see.

    7. Dogs are as smart as a 2-year-old toddler.
    I do not remember ever hearing this myth.

    8. Dogs sleep curled up in a ball to keep their organs safe.
    I thought it was to protect themselves from the cold, which is partially correct.

    9. Puppies are born blind and deaf.
    I knew this one is true, having the opportunity to be around a couple of litters of puppies.

    10. No two dogs have the same nose print.
    I did not know this.

    11. A dog can suffer foot damage if his nails are kept too long.
    Yep! Most of our dogs have dark nails and I hate trimming them.

    12. Dogs use their whiskers to sense the world around them.
    I knew this one.

    13. Normal body temperature for a dog can be as high as 102º.
    I knew their body temperature was higher than ours, I just did not remember specifically what that temperature was.

    14. Paul McCartney in his hit song “A Day In The Life” included a high-pitched dog whistle sound at the end of the recording.
    Tried this three times with no luck. Tried two different videos online and one streaming music site. Maybe the remastered version does not have it in the song.

    15. Look at him, he looks so guilty. He knows what he did!
    I was guilty of this until recently, thanks to online videos I have learned otherwise.

    16. Just like a human baby, a Chihuahua is born with a soft spot at the top of his head.
    Never heard of this before.

    17. If you are just quickly running into the store it’s okay to crack the car window and leave Fido in the car.
    This is a blanket statement that is generally true but not always true in all cases. It really depends on several things. Such as the temperature, cloud cover, breed of dog, etc. Some states have laws that say your dog cannot be outside for more than x amount of time. Take sled dogs, most sled dogs live outside year-round in a place that the temperatures fall way below freezing. The sled dogs handle those temperatures just fine. I do not like blanket statements. See myth 18 and 19.

    18. Adopting shelter dogs are a problem.
    Not true! In my opinion, many of the shelter dogs lack training which looks like problems.

    19. All breeders are irresponsible.
    That is just like saying all cops eat doughnuts!

    20. Dog is man’s best friend.
    Of course, they are! This reminds of the question/joke:
    Q: How can you prove that a dog is truly a man’s best friend?
    A: Put your dog and your wife in the trunk of the car for an hour. When you open the trunk, who is really happy to see you?

    I knew half of them, five of them I got wrong, four of them I had never heard of them before. Number 17 I have minor issues with. (I am sure someone will give me grieve on my view.)

    How did you do?

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