Dogs In My Life – The Early Years

The first dog I remember was my aunt’s dog, she always had one or two German Shepherd Dogs. I was five years old and we were visiting family. My mom went to give me a spanking and my aunt’s dog gently grabbed my mom’s wrist. I so desperately wanted to take the dog home with us, she was my protector!

My first dog, which I remember was a mix of some kind, I was in kindergarten at the time. I think we got it because I wanted my aunt’s dog, I only seem to remember a few things about her. I am pretty sure her name was Heidi. She was loyal, she followed me around everywhere. I remember hitting her once and she just stood there looking at me. A wave of guilt and sorrow fell upon me and I hugged her and apologized to her. One day I went outside and caught her and another dog locked together, I had no idea what they were up to. I was traumatized by the thought that someone stuck the two dogs together with a stick! It was not until many years later did I learn what really happened. My parents divorced and my mom and I moved away; I do not know or remember what happened to my dog.

The next dogs that I remember were a mother and daughter pair. My mom remarried and my stepdad had these two dogs. I was ten or eleven by then. The dogs were Collie mixes and the daughter I was told was a coyote mix. I only remember one of their names, Tippie. These poor dogs were chained up in the backyard with rings of dog crap around them. The dog chains would rake the crap out to the edge. Both dogs had matted fir. I remember struggling with brushing out the matted fur, I was proud of my success and they enjoyed the attention. These two dogs each received a large can of dog food a day. I remember the dog food because it was the first time I saw canned dog food. We would take the dogs when we went hiking and camping.

When I was twelve I moved back to my dad’s and his new family. They had a black Labrador named Buck. He was always around us kids, he was free to roam. Our closest neighbors were over a mile away, in a straight line, three miles if you drove.

When I was fourteen I moved back to my mom’s, yes I was a confused kid! By then the two Collie mixes were gone. One died of old age the other I do not know what had become of her. We did not have any dogs for a while. My stepdad bought a Brittany Spaniel. She was a wonderful dog, full of energy and love of life. I can not remember her name… She loved attention, she loved being with you, she loved running, she was a great dog. Funny how we forget things, if you were to ask me what my favorite dog breed is I would not hesitate to say German Shepard Dogs, but is it really my favorite.

What dogs have you had in your lives? Comment below!

Mark Coulter


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