It Is Never Easy
I was doing some housekeeping on the website that required me to look at all the old posts. I came up with a list of several posts I thought would be good to revisit. Having to put down my wife’s husky due to cancer last year, put this at the top of the list.
Smokey had a rough start in life. He eventually found his way to us, scared and unsure of his new home. He took the first chance he had and ran off. Fortunately, he did not go far. At almost two weeks after he disappeared a neighbor contacted us and said Smokey was getting into his trash at night. We built a trap using a wire crate. We set up and baited the trap at the neighbor’s home. We were excited! The trap worked and the trap failed. We received a call that he was in the trap. However, by the time we got there, he bent part of the wire crate and had escaped. We were so disappointed, everything we read stated that huskies are nearly impossible to trap a second time. We reinforced the trap and baited it with some spaghetti, a real high-value treat for him. We got him! After his three weeks of foraging through the trash for his meals, I guess he decided we were a good thing for him. He would not leave the yard. We even could take him places without us having to worry about him running. He was home.

It was especially hard for my wife to let him go, he was a special dog that accepted us as his family. He is missed.
As pet owners, we eventually have to deal with the passing of our companions. Hopefully, the following article can help ease the pain of that loss.
See our adoptable Animals.
Fill out an adoption application.
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