Not sure if this really counts as news…
Child Leaves His Puppy On A Park Bench With A Heartbreaking Note Because His Parents Abused The Dog | Bored Panda

Sometimes life gives you a hard decision to make. It’s never easy, but usually, it’s for the best. Not long ago, a child had to make that decision.
Source: Child Leaves His Puppy On A Park Bench With A Heartbreaking Note Because His Parents Abused The Dog | Bored Panda
This is definitely news, just a month or so old…
Homeless Man Rushes Into A Burning Animal Shelter – Saves Every Animal | Bored Panda

I was really scared to go in there with all that smoke. But God put me there to save those animals.
Source: Homeless Man Rushes Into A Burning Animal Shelter – Saves Every Animal | Bored Panda
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