These are our newest additions to the pack! They came to us Jeffery and Timothy. My son and my wife said they do not look like a Jeffery and a Timothy. After tossing several names around, I suggested Bert and Ernie but was voted down. Dozer was suggested for one of them and it stuck. It us a few hours until Cooper came up for the other dog. Check out our precious additions.
Checking on his brother.
His brother.
Outside of the cargo air terminal.
WHAT! I thought we only had two dogs.
Aren't they cute!
They are cautiously curious.
They are cautiously curious.
This was there favorite spot in the hotel room. This was there first time being inside.
This was there favorite spot in the hotel room. This was there first time being inside.
They wanted our attention but were still very timid.
I wonder what he is thinking? We were on the eleventh floor with a floor to ceiling window.
For not being leash trained they did okay.
Second day and several trips outside; they both are getting better being on a leash.
Dozer shuts down, lays down and gives up in stressful situations. They were very unsure but somewhat willing to use the elevator.