This week’s photos.

Rocket anticipates where I am going, so he will go up the stairs and wait for me to catch up.
Looks like one leg is missing.

Rocket anticipates where I am going, so he will go up the stairs and wait for me to catch up.
Rocket loves to chase flies and light reflections. We are have a hard time getting him not to chase light reflections.

Rocket Being A Good Sport! I had him sit on the merry go round. While it was turning I took several photos.
This actually worked out really well. Even though at lot the photos were not good, you get several photos from different angles.

Rocket Being A Good Sport! I had him sit on the merry go round. While it was turning I took several photos.
This actually worked out really well. Even though at lot the photos were not good, you get several photos from different angles.

He thinks he needs to go everywhere I go.
The darn sun was directly behind us, making poor looking photos. I still like the way he looks.

He thinks he needs to go everywhere I go.
The darn sun was directly behind us, making poor looking photos. I still like the way he looks.

He thinks he needs to go everywhere I go.
The darn sun was directly behind us, making poor looking photos. I still like the way he looks.
There are several photos that as photos are not that good. However, they still capture the moment. Capturing the moment is for the most part what taking photographs are about.
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