Thank you Tractor Supply for supporting R&T Loving Paws by allowing us to come into your store. We held an adoption event today October 15, 2017, at the White Plains, MD Tractor Supply. They were very helpful and accommodating.
Was it a successful event? You bet it was! We adopted Princess a German Shepherd Dog. For her, it was a success. We also received numerous donations to help both the rescue and Ella’s hip dysplasia surgery.
I know that when we rescue these precious animals that we will be finding them a forever home and they will be leaving us. It was hard to say goodbye, Princess is such a wonderful companion. (I had to leave the area until she was gone.) Is she perfect? No dog is perfect, just some are closer to perfection than others. She is one of those that are closer than others. I already miss her!
Cindy talked to the new family later in the day, they had a few questions about Princess. Their questions brought back memories of the first time she came into our home. Princess did not like our hardwood floors, she had difficulty walking on them for a few days. Then there were the stairs! We have three steps leading up onto the front porch and the front door. Most of our dogs just jump over the steps so when she did the same we did not think anything about it. It was a little later we noticed she was not going upstairs with us or the other dogs. We have had another dog that did not know about stairs, after about a week she was going up and down the stairs as if she had done it all her life. Princess had been walking on our hardwood floors like a professional for a couple of months, so we did not think anything about it when we took her into one of my favorite stores. She dropped to the floor legs splayed out! She was not having anything to do with walking on the commercial tile.
I am happy for her and her new family…
Princess’s family shared a couple of photos of her! She sure looks happy!

Thank you for sharing these photos! Thank you even more for adopting our Princess!